Low back pain should initially be treated with non-drug therapies such as massage, acupuncture, exercise or yoga, according to new guidelines from the American College of Physicians (ACP).
The guidelines were published in the Annals of Internal Medicine and were developed by the ACP to present evidence and clinical recommendations on non-invasive treatment for acute and subacute low back pain.
Dear Registrant
We’re delighted to send you this link to Untapped Resources: Accredited Registers in the Wider Workforce, a new joint report from the Royal Society for Public Health (RSPH) and the Professional Standards Authority (PSA) which recognises the contribution that practitioners on accredited registers can make to public health in the UK.
Of course as a CNHC registrant you are one of those practitioners. As the report says, you are in a unique position – because of the trusted relationship you have with your clients – to raise lifestyle health issues and help them to lead healthier lives.
We are particularly pleased to note, that of the 23 Accredited Registers in existence when the project began, CNHC is the only one to be quoted in the report (see page 8). And of eight individual practitioners who are quoted, five are CNHC registrants.
We take special pride in the role CNHC has played in making this report happen. Two years ago, in July 2015, the RSPH published a report looking at the potential for professionals such as hairdressers, librarians and leisure service providers to collaborate with other services and organisations in delivering the country’s public health agenda.
That report, however, made no mention of complementary therapies, or practitioners on other accredited registers such as counsellors and psychotherapists. CNHC brought this oversight to the attention of the PSA, which led directly to this joint project on the positive impact that practitioners on accredited registers can have on public health.
It is very positive step indeed that these two important institutions recognise your contribution, and that you can and should be supported to do more toward making progress in the country’s health priorities.
Yours sincerely
Margaret Coats
CNHC Chief Executive & Registrar